Begin your transformation

Coaching series

I believe in taking my clients back to their most raw and true state. So I like to start everyone on the Connect With Source Series. This series is your entry way to your inner wisdom and sanctum. Explore the series below and feel free to reach out at any time.

Following successful completion of one of these series, I invite you to continue your journey with me or on your own. If continuing with me is a good fit then I move you to a more targeted bespoke planned series.

Connect With Source


If you have completed one of the above and are ready to explore the next steps, or if you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, learn what you can expect in a session or book a free consultation today.

“You’re only given a little spark of madness. If you lose that, you’re nothing. Don’t ever lose that cause it keeps you alive.”

Robin Williams


Joe Mugan
Transformational Life Coach

Filled with love for the planet and all the sentient beings that populate it. Joe believes it is his mission to spread this love with as many people as want to be a part of it.

Joe is a certified meditation facilitator, life coach and cacao ceremony facilitator. With all his experience in holistic approaches to transforming lives, he is uniquely placed to bring balance, clarity and focus to your life.