What can i help with?

The truth is that life coaching with guided meditation can help with a number of issues people face in their lives. The focus is on a transformation. Whether that is a transformation out of something or into something is irrelevant. The outcome can be achieved with guided meditation and little nurturing from a dedicated life coach.

However, in my experience, the issues people face often fall into a similar categories and the methods I use for my life coaching have proven to work in those areas. Below you will find a few of the key problems people come to me with.

Jump on a call with me and let’s discuss the problem in your life. Please click the button below to book a short insight call.

I want to be happier in my job, but i can’t quit

Are you feeling a bit stuck? Is the daily grind getting all too much at times. But you can’t afford to just quit. You don’t have a pot of cash hidden away to back yourself in a big life change. But how can you stick it out any longer? Surely there can be happiness found where you are?

This is a common theme amongst my clients. We have to do what we have to do. Putting food on the table is a priority. Yet, when you look around, a lot of people are happy even if the daily grind doesn’t fit their life plan. You can find that happiness too. It just takes a little guidance and work on your inner self.

i have a problem in a relationship

That relationship can be family, friends or colleagues. It can be everyone if that’s what it is. There are a number of factors at play when it comes to issues in relationships. But one fact remains the same, you cannot change someone else. You can only change yourself. If you are constantly coming up against issues in relationships then perhaps it is time to try a new solution. A solution that puts you at the centre and works on getting you to the person you want to be. A person that improves that relationship or is strong enough to let it go.

Change, oh my god, change!

Perhaps the mention of the word (or two mentions of it) has triggered a feeling of absolute doom inside you. Not many people like change which is understandable. The space you are in right now is familiar. You can see all the elements, you have tried all of them, you know where everything is. But sometimes change is inevitable. Whatever has brought it on, you have no choice but to accept it into your well organised space.

But you don’t have to suffer. You don’t have to feel dragged or pushed into it. You can be the master of your own thoughts and reactions and conquer the change.