Self-Discovery Series

6 Sessions delivered via zoom over 2-6 weeks

Session 1 - Thought

We begin the journey at the beginning, thought. Everything comes out of thought, so why not start right there. Connect with your thinking brain and see what it has to say. Begin the mastery of your thoughts.

session 2 - Let it be

Once we master the thinking brain, it's time to work on letting go. The ability to see and let go in life is a powerful weapon. It puts you firmly in control of situations.

Session 3 - UNHOOK

Where do you find most of your energy goes? On other people right? Some of it is perfectly placed or given, but some of it not so much. Have you ever had a cleanse and then chosen what energies to put back in? This session does just that.

session 4 - SANCTUARY

This is the perfect time to create your inner sanctuary. The place you can return to again and again. Whatever is happening outside, here we create you a space to have as your own that you can retreat to and reenergise.

Session 5 - FREEDOM

In your best Braveheart impression! Doesn't everyone want the freedom to do and be as they wish? This session works on how you can achieve that. The freedom to step away from what you need to and step into what you want to.

session 6 - THE FUTURE

Before you know it, we will be at the end. Now this isn't a crystal ball, we won't reveal the future world. But you will meet the future you. All this work culminates in a guided meditation to the true judge of your life, you.

Series Cost - £300

This series is 6 sessions delivered via Zoom over 2-6 weeks depending on your schedule and needs. The next step is to book an insight call to see if we are a good fit for each other.