“Shamanism is a great mental and emotional adventure, one in which the patient as well as the shaman-healer are involved” - michael Harner

my journey on the shamanic path started as i realised more and more my personal connection to nature and to the different and powerful energies that make up this universe.

I believe fully in the power of the spirits, guides, ancestors and elders. We need only connect with them and they will show us the way. Shamans knew at the very beginning that if we can create the conditions of health, then disease would remove itself. Our spirit guides can help create this container and seek out that which needs to be healed.

With my Shamanic Healing, you book your healing appointment which typically lasts around 60 minutes. I will send out a form for you to fill in to give us some guidance for the session. During the healing we will discuss yourself in a little more detail. I will then journey and conduct the healing, whatever the guides and your energy needs. We will then finish with a discussion about what took place.

Although we cannot know for sure what you need right now, below are some examples of the healing treatments we might do.

Types of Treatments

  • Soul Retrieval

    The soul makes us feel whole. When it is not whole itself, we are not whole. During our lives traumas, both physical and emotional, can break parts of the soul off leaving them where they happened. This can leave us feeling anything from being slightly off through to a massive hole or gap in our memory or happiness.

    Soul Retrieval is about seeking out the lost part of your soul and bringing it back to put back in place and make you whole again.

  • Power Retrieval

    In a similar vein, but without the missing part of the soul, Power Retrieval is necessary when you feel like someone or something has taken your power away.

    With this, you will have a feeling that you are unable to really step up and take control of your life or a situation.

    Here we connect you back with your power. This might be seeking out your power animal if you have lost that connection, or finding the place in your past where the power was lost.

  • Shadow Work

    People often shy away from their shadow. This is easy to understand. Nobody wants to face their demons. But Shadow Work is important to overcoming obstacles and living out our full potential.

    Shamanism believes in the importance of Light and Dark, Yin and Yang. There must always be balance. So seeking out the things in the shadow so they can be processed is a very important aspect of healing.

    You may feel strong feelings of negativity or anger and not be able to place them. We can journey, face these and heal leaving you feeling empowered.

Need to discuss something?

If you need to chat with me before booking the healing, please schedule a chat or email me. Otherwise, please go ahead and book a healing.