There will be no more important a point in your life than when you find the sacred plant medicine cacao.


A cacao ceremony can be a beautiful addition to various events and celebrations.

It can be used for personal milestones like birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries, or incorporated into seasonal celebrations such as solstices and equinoxes.

Cacao ceremonies are also perfect for community gatherings, retreats, and wellness workshops, providing a unique space for connection and reflection.

I host regular ceremonies in my local area, creating sacred spaces for participants to connect and transform. Additionally, I am available to bring this enriching experience to festivals and special events, offering a memorable and transformative journey for all involved.

what can you expect

  • Heart Opening Ceremonies

    The cacao ceremony is a profoundly sacred space. In these ceremonies, we connect our energy with the spirit of Lady Cacao and honour all the people worldwide who have contributed to bringing it to us. Through this intention, we amplify the incredible energy of cacao, filling the space with love and abundance. Ceremonies like this have the power to bring the world together, fostering a sense of global unity and spreading love across cultures. By sharing in this ancient tradition, we contribute to a collective consciousness of peace and connection, making the world a more harmonious place.

  • History

    Booking a cacao ceremony with Joe offers not just a unique and immersive experience, but also a journey through the fascinating history of cacao. As you sip on the rich, ceremonial-grade cacao, Joe shares tales of its ancient origins, revered by the Mayans and Aztecs as the "food of the gods." Discover how cacao was used in sacred rituals, as currency, and as a powerful symbol of transformation and connection. With Joe's expert guidance, you’ll deepen your appreciation for this remarkable plant and its cultural significance, making your ceremony both enlightening and enriching.

  • Personal Transformation

    A cacao ceremony can be a powerful catalyst for personal transformation. As you connect deeply with the spirit of cacao, hidden messages and insights begin to surface, revealing new meanings and perspectives in your life. This sacred ritual helps to uncover emotional blocks and illuminate paths to personal growth, allowing you to embrace change with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity. Through the ceremony, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, fostering a profound inner journey that enriches your life in unexpected and transformative ways.

Book Your Cacao Ceremony Today

Discover the transformative power of a cacao ceremony and enrich your special events with this sacred experience. Join one of my regular local ceremonies or book me for your next festival, retreat, or celebration. Connect with the spirit of cacao and create meaningful moments filled with love and abundance. Contact me today to schedule your cacao ceremony and embark on a journey of personal and communal transformation.